Dos and Don'ts

source from Monster

Keep Your Guard Up
Many job seekers get too comfortable at the interview, especially when they think the job is theirs. To get it for real, follow these tips on proper behavior.
Interview Tips for Introverts
A job interview can make you feel like you're in the hot seat -- especially if you're an introvert. Learn how to use your personality traits to succeed.
Interviewing on the Sly
How do you get out of the office for your interview? From scheduling to potential excuses, we address employed job seekers' concerns.
Warning Signs of a Toxic Boss
No one wants a lousy boss, but you might not know what to look for before you take the job. Steer clear by heeding these 10 red flags in the interview.
Can This Interview Be Saved?
If your interview's going awry, your interviewer may be to blame. Take control and get back on track with this advice.
Interview Resolutions
If you've resolved to find a new job this year, these five lifestyle changes will help boost your interview skills
Boost Your Hireability EQ
These five tips will help you increase the emotional intelligence you need to ace your next sales interview.
Create Interview Rapport
Getting an interviewer to like you enough to give you the job isn't an exact science. Learn how to build a relationship.
Inspire Your Listeners
To stand out and get the job, you must communicate with the interviewer in a clear, concise and passionate way.
Avoid Discrimination
Learn how to determine if an employer is inclusive of all its employees, regardless of sexual orientation.
Ageism at Interviews
You need to convince interviewers that you're the one for the job. Learn how to address unspoken biases.
When to Reveal a Disability?
You want the job, and you want to be honest. Are these goals mutually exclusive when you have a disability?
Sloppy Speech
A "she don't" here plus a "like totally" there can equal no job offer after the interview. Be sure to avoid these communcation pitfalls.
Your Turn to Ask
Rather than just answer questions at job interviews, make sure you turn the tables on the interviewer.
Stand Out with Expert Tips
Learn how to make a great impression from someone who crisscrosses the country conducting interviews.
Don't Talk Too Much
If you go on and on about yourself, you may not sell interviewers on hiring you. Learn how to hush up and keep them involved.
Response Strategies
When a politician goes into a debate, he has a strategy for answering questions. You can do the same for interviews.
Focus on Your Strengths
In a political campaign, it's standard operating procedure for candidates to hammer away at a few points they believe set them apart from other candidates. You might want to handle your campaign for a job the same way.
Post-Layoff Interviewing
Preparing for your first interview after losing a job? Develop a positive attitude that will impress employers.
Your Interview IQ
Do you know how to make your case to an interviewer? Follow these 10 tips to boost your chances of landing the job.
What Your Words Say
At interviews, you should be aware that your vocabulary offers potential employers clues about you.
Invigorate Your Vocabulary
The words you choose send a message to potential employers. These five tips may boost your linguistic acumen.
Talk the Talk
Whether in your resume or at the interview, the words you choose to express yourself say a lot about you.
Assess Company Culture
If you're focusing only on impressing interviewers, you could end up unhappily employed. Find the best fit.
Six Interview Mistakes
The last thing you want to do is make a gaffe in an interview because you don't know any better. Avoid these.
Hobbies Can Help You
Ostensibly, people get jobs based on skills. But making connections also matters. The employer may love golf, too.
Getting Over Interview Jitters
Do you get nervous before interviews? Do your hands sweat? Do you start thinking of all the reasons why you won't get the job? Luckily, there's help.
Interviewers' Pet Peeves
The last person you want to annoy is the one interviewing you. Here are seven things that can break you.
Ten Tech Interview Errors
Technology job seekers are prone to a number of common interview blunders. To avoid them, you've got to know what they are. Here are 10 of the most common.
Ten Interviewing Rules
Stay focused on these basic tenets to prepare for your next interview and prevent the jitters.
Culture Conundrum
One step in ensuring career satisfaction is determining whether a company's attitude meshes with your own.
Touring the Plant
The plant tour is a way for the company to show you what they have to offer. It's also your chance to do the same.
Interview Essentials
Learn five ways to ensure your success in the most stressful part of the job search -- the interview.