

What kind of account did you have in your mind? 你想开哪种帐户? Do you like to open a current account? 你想开一个活期存款帐户吗? A deposit or current account? 定期还是活期?


source from http://www.alc.co.jp/eng/newsbiz/bzst/index.html ビジネス英語をある程度知っておこうという場合、株式 stock/share と債券 bond は、格別、投資に興味がなくても、企業が元手 capital を集めるための重要な手段ですから、避けては通れません…

What is the Difference Between a Class and an Object?

Classes and objects are separate but related concepts. Every object belongs to a class and every class contains one or more related objects.

Interview questions for tech companies


What is the Difference Between Bond and Stock?

The two financial product are very similar,but there is some key difference between them.One:The bond's cashflow is fiexed and the risk is very low,but the stock is not.The stock is more risky than the bond.High risk,high return.Two:The bo…

Interview Preparation

Help with preparing for an interview Getting invited to an interview means you've passed the first hurdle - your application must have made a good impression.

equity security

一个柜台市场(OTC)上的 “股本证券”(equity security)通常是指这样的一些股票:即没有在纳斯达克(NASDAQ)或全国性证券交易市场(national securities exchange)交易的股票。


胡健 [此文是根据2002年12月24日在四川省软件行业协会所作的演讲浓缩整理而成]。 非常高兴有这样一个机会和大家交流软件开发。我应该算是典型的计算机科班出身,从本科、硕士到在英国读博士,都是计算机科学。而从1993年读完博士之后到现在,干的工作则主要…

高盛财经词典 - 英汉对照


Merrill Lynch Chat Transcript

Versatility is a Virtue: Making it Work in a Challenging Marketplace Carlos Valle: Managing Director & Global Business Head, Recruiting WetFeet: Welcome to the Fall 2001 Merrill Lynch chat, brought to you by WetFeet.com. Carlos Valle: Good…