Types of Interviews

source from Monster

Work the Working Interview
To get the job, you may need to roll up your sleeves and actually do the job as part of your interview. Here's how to prepare and excel.
Retail Management Interviews
Interviewing well is key to making the leap from frontline retail sales into management. These tips will show you how.
Handle the Stress Interview
Bad news for those of you who get anxious about interviews: Some interviewers do all they can to make you sweat.
Six Species of Interviewers
Not all interviewers are alike. Here are six types you might encounter and tips on your best reaction to each.
Influence Your Interview
Use these six principles to get your sales interview off on the right foot and the interviewer on your side.
Your Restaurant Interview
Knowing the in-demand skills as well as what to expect at the interview will help you land that restaurant job. Heed these tips.
What to Ask Trucking Employers
Is that trucking job offer as good as it sounds? Find out by asking a potential employer these 10 questions.
Ace the Case Interview
Here's the idea: Determine who's a good problem solver by giving candidates problems to solve during the interview.
Student Big Four Interviews
Navigate your way to a job at a Big Four firm with this interview road map for undergraduates.
Move to the Big Four
The Big Four hire experienced accountants, too. Follow our interviewing tips, and you could become one of them.
Big Four Interview Prep
Going for a job at a Big Four accounting firm? Don't leave home without reviewing these interview dos and don'ts.
Brainteasers or Torture?
Interviewing was always tough, but now there's a new genre of puzzling questions used to gauge candidates.
Beat Brainteasers
At your next interview, you may face a ridiculous or impossible question. Here's advice to get you through it.
Technical Interview Tips
Don't be surprised by hands-on testing during your job interviews. Get tips on how to impress the interviewer.
Second Interviews
You're excited, but the excitement is turning into the jitters. What can you expect from this round of questioning?
The Auto Job Interview
You may be a first-rate auto technician, but how good are you at selling your skills? Get interview-ready now.
Internal Interviews
Your status as an internal candidate has advantages, but don't assume the job is yours. You still must prepare.
The Temp Interview
Temp jobs don't have to be temporary. The interview is your first opportunity to prove yourself -- and we can help you succeed.
Informational Interviewing
An informational interview can provide you with a wealth of information -- and maybe a beat on a job.
Videoconference Interviews
Videoconferencing is a convenient way to interview from afar, provided you're camera-ready. Discover what you need to know to make a great virtual impression.
Why Were You Fired?
If you've ever been terminated, you know how awkward it can be to talk about it. Follow this advice to go from fired to hired.
The Behavioral Interview
If you prepare to answer behavioral questions, you'll be armed with examples no matter what you're asked.
The Global Interview
If the job you're trying to land is far away from home, you can't always expect an in-person interview.
Three Kinds of Interviews
There's a good chance you'll face a phone, case or behavioral interview at some point. Here are tips on each.
Multiple Interviewers
Those restless interrogators might as well have claws and fangs. Relax. Tame them with these simple strategies.
You Can Ring My Bell
With a little preparation, you can ace the telephone interview and make it to the next level: Meeting face-to-face.
The One-on-One
Employers now use some pretty sophisticated selection techniques, but none have replaced the traditional interview. Prepare yourself by discovering the basics of this tried-and-true format.
Answering the Call
Your interviewer may not be sitting in front of you, but a phone interview is just as important as an in-person meeting. Learn how to prepare with our handy tips.
Phone Interviews
On the one hand, some people feel it's hard to impress over the phone. On the other hand, there are some potential advantages you'd never have in an in-person conversation.
Nurse Interview Questions
Up for a nursing job? Here's what to ask to help you determine if the position is a good fit.