
source from Ebenkyo



Subject: Request-information about PR opening

Dear Mr. Jones,

I was given your reference by Ms. Kohno of Prime Advertising. She informed me that you were looking for a PR associate. I have been working as a copy writer in Avon Advertising agency for 2 years. I have completed Mass Communications and have specialized in Marketing. I am in the process of researching organizations that handle PR.

I would appreciate it if you could give me an opportunity to meet you for a short interview early in September. It would be nice to get some information about the position.

I will call you next Friday (September 8) to see if we can arrange a meeting at a time that is convenient for you. Thank you in advance for your time.

Makiko Yoshimoto


Makiko Yoshimoto
E-mail: makikoy@******.***
Tel: +81-3-0000-0000
